On the weekend of the 10th and 11th I was sailing out of my home club, the Royal Forth Yacht Club, in Edinburgh. I was fortunate enough to have Hugh Styles coach me for the two days. Hugh helped Alison Young to the London Olympics, Rio Olympics and her 2016 World Title; it’s fair to say he’s a great coach and I can only echo this after my weekend spent with him on the water. This opportunity was made possible with thanks to Tim Ellis and the funding made available to me through the RYA Scotland Elite Programme.
For the majority of the two days we focused primarily on hiking posture and turning the boat efficiently downwind. Here is a short clip of me sailing upwind:
I made some great progress over the weekend but there is still heaps to work on as ever, exciting times! Next up, I’ll be traveling to Palamos in Spain for a regatta just before Christmas.
Thank you for reading,