After a busy week toing and froing from Edinburgh to Glasgow for a few workshops it was time to get back on the water. What a weekend it was! We had two full days of sailing in glamour conditions, the sun was shinning and we had a moderate breeze that was perfect for working on what I wanted.
On the Saturday I was focusing on my role as bowman on the Sonar, I was working on my communication and the timing of the processes involved. Bow is the role I am least familiar with and it’s great to see some progress from when I started with the Keelboat academy.
Sunday, again with amazing conditions, brought a day with me helming the Sonar – a role that I am much more comfortable with. Similar to the Bow role I was working on my ability to communicate with the rest of the crew, this is something I’m not used to in a single hander! I didn’t sail my best, but there was still lots of positive takeaways in terms of my goals I was working on.
Next up is the Youth National Championships at Hayling Island Sailing Club!