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During a hectic week finishing off uni assignments I was fortunate enough to find myself on a flight to Palma de Mallorca for the annual Princess Sofia Regatta.

I was out at the event for 12 days which included 5 days racing, a few days training, some glorious cycling and a regrettable day of polishing off my final uni assignment!

The only way I was able to compete at the event was with the helpful aid of Sail Coach with their coaching and charter boat service. The only downside being that my boat only arrived 2 days before racing; but every cloud has a silver lining! This allowed for some much needed time to explore the mecca of cycling and find some hills around Mallorca. Happy to tick off Randa, Sa Calobra and Coll de sa Batalla along with San Salvador on a previous trip!


Once the boat arrived it allowed me to get in the zone and dial into the conditions and routine for the days ahead.

I started off the event fairly well, with one stand out result that gave me some much needed confidence in the high calibre fleet. My races in the following days struggled to hold up to the first as I found it tricky to start cleanly and execute my favoured strategy. This put me in bronze fleet for the rest of the regatta which was a hard pill to swallow, but did allow for some experience to be made racing towards the front of an international fleet (albeit a lower calibre).


I finished the week in 146th, so not the best and considerably below form. There was glimpses of good sailing, but still a lot to work on as always. I had an amazing time with a lot of really close mates, and took a lot away from spending time and racing against some of the worlds top senior sailors.

Up next is BUCS Yachting Championships where I am taking the role of tactician for the Edinburgh University Team!

Thanks for reading,





Exams are done! Phew.  I had my last exam, Physical Education, on Friday.  I also sat Geography, Graphic Communications and Computing Science at the beginning of May, all at SQA Higher level.  Definitely feeling the sailing withdrawal symptoms after a month of hard revision!  During May I was lucky enough that my exams landed me a nice 2 week gap at the half way stage allowing me to sit my driving test with enough time either side for minimal stress.  I’m pleased to say I passed first time!  But before I get too carried away on four wheels trailing up and down the country, I decided to spend last weekend on two wheels instead.

I spent the weekend with a close friend of mine, Tom, who’s a former training partner.  We travelled to the Isle of Mull which, on this occasion, greeted us with a very pleasant 20+ degrees.  Tom and I travelled over to take part in the 70km (44mile) sportive cycling event that takes place on Mull every year.  It was a great weekend out in the sun and allowed me to continue my cardio fitness on the bike, but just a little further a field.

I now look forward to a very busy summer ahead, involving 4 international regattas!  But before I travel to the first of these events in Kiel, Germany I have a few days training with Jamie Calder at home, sailing out of Royal Forth Yacht Club.




Full results here:

Kudos to Tom for 2nd Place!