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On the 15th of January I flew to Barcelona for a very slightly sunnier alternative to my winter training.  I met the rest of the U21 Youth Squad in Barcelona airport and we traveled to our apartment together.  Unfortunately I drew 1 of 2 short straws and was left with a single bed for the week.  However, the apartment was in a great location, only a 5 minute walk from the beach, and we had a supermarket underneath us which made life a lot easier!

Our boats did not arrive until the evening of the 16th which left us 2 days to explore the area and get to know our surroundings.  It’s fair to say that Palamos is a lovely place and there is some great coast line to walk along.  I took a few snaps of when we explored the area…

The day before racing commenced, myself and the team took to the water to get a feel for the conditions and warm ourselves up for what was to be a breezy few days!  The sailing felt odd and quite dissimilar to any venue I have sailed at before – this meant there was scope to learn a lot from the unfamiliar conditions.  The conditions for the training day were big breeze and BIG offset swell; these conditions were present for the duration of the regatta. It was a tough week to say the least, this is how it looked…

Day 1:    3 Races sailed in big breeze and big waves!

Day 2:    2 Races, only 1 sailed due to injury

Day 3:    No sailing, 10 metre waves recorded by the committee!

Day 4:    Postponed due to adverse sea state, 1 Race eventually sailed in great conditions

Day 5:    We watched the medal race from the comfort of the rib

There were only 6 races held out of the scheduled 10, this was due to high winds and adverse sea state.  Unfortunately I only sailed 5 of the 6 races due to an inflammation of the ligament in my knee; this was an injury I picked up at the end of my summer competitions.  That aside, there was a lot to be learned from the competitors, just like there is at any international senior regatta.  Although it is hard to take a positive from my final result alone, the event was a great learning curve for me.  The racing gave me a good kick up the backside to step my game up 2 or so notches and really solidify my jump from the radial rig into the standard rig.


After a hard week week both physically and emotionally I flew back home on the 23rd, just in time for a quiet Christmas at home with my family.  I quickly got back to training in the gym on the 28th, 29th and 30th before taking a few days off over new year.

And so my winter training continues…


Thanks for reading,
